(function() { 'use strict'; /** * All of the code for your public-facing JavaScript source * should reside in this file. * * Note: It has been assumed you will write jQuery code here, so the * $ function reference has been prepared for usage within the scope * of this function. * * This enables you to define handlers, for when the DOM is ready: * * $(function() { * * }); * * When the window is loaded: * * $( window ).load(function() { * * }); * * ...and/or other possibilities. * * Ideally, it is not considered best practise to attach more than a * single DOM-ready or window-load handler for a particular page. * Although scripts in the WordPress core, Plugins and Themes may be * practising this, we should strive to set a better example in our own work. */ jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('.lgx-logo-carousel').each(function(){ var $logoitem = $(this); var dataAttr = $logoitem.data(); //console.log(dataAttr.navlarge); var logocarouselParams = { addClassActive:true, responsiveClass:true, loop:dataAttr.loop, dots:dataAttr.dots, autoplay:dataAttr.autoplay, lazyLoad: dataAttr.lazyload, slideTransition: 'linear', autoplayTimeout:dataAttr.autoplaytimeout, autoplaySpeed: dataAttr.autoplayspeed, margin:dataAttr.margin, autoplayHoverPause:dataAttr.autoplayhoverpause, navText :['Left','Right'], responsive:{ // Item in Mobile Devices (Less than 768px) 0:{ items:dataAttr.itemmobile, nav:dataAttr.navmobile }, // Item in Tablets Devices (768px and Up) 768:{ items:dataAttr.itemtablet, nav:dataAttr.navtablet }, // Item in Desktops Devices (Desktops 992px) 992:{ items:dataAttr.itemdesk, nav:dataAttr.navdesk }, // Item in Large Desktops Devices (1200px and Up) 1200:{ items:dataAttr.itemlarge, nav:dataAttr.navlarge } } }; $logoitem.owlCarousel(logocarouselParams); // }); }); })();